Thoughtful Thursday & Body Stories


Each body is an incredible gift given to each of us by our Creator to help us on our mortal journey of growing, learning and becoming.

But sometimes we can lose sight of this and we believe that if our body was different than it is

then things would be better.

I get it.

I wish my body was different sometimes too.

But what if you could get to work on taking care of you without the shame?

There really is a difference in getting to work to create wanted change versus being hard on yourself from a place of shame and dissatisfaction. 

Beating yourself up in hopes of finding value and self-worth never works. 

My guess is that if you have tried being hard yourself in order to change, it hasn’t created the results you may have wanted.

If you are ready for something different, I invite you to begin by loving yourself right where you are first.

Resisting where you are and believing if it was different then you could be happy doesn’t take you where you ultimately want to be.

What if instead of judging and beating yourself up, you made peace with where you are right now?

Recognizing that this is where you are and this is what you created and that is okay.

You are amazing no matter what your body looks like.

The truth is your value in not found in your appearance.

All bodies are amazing, different, unique and kind of funny looking.

What if the goal was to love yourself more instead of less?

What else could be possible if you believed that?


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