Thoughtful Thursday & Strength and Struggle

As humans we all crave connection.

We want to be loved and accepted.

We want to belong.

For many of us, we believe that we have to be perfect or without flaw in order for that to happen.

We try to push away our imperfections and we pretend.

Pretend that we have it all together.

However, if we can own our stories of imperfection, we open ourselves up to greater connection with others.

We can show ourselves and others grace in being imperfect humans.

BrenĂ© Brown says in her book, The Gifts of Imperfection,

"May we find the courage to let go of who we think we’re supposed to be so that we can fully embrace our authentic selves—the imperfect, the creative, the vulnerable, the powerful, the broken, and the beautiful.

“May we show ourselves and others the compassion that comes from knowing that we are all made of strength and struggle." (BrenĂ© Brown)

Strength and struggle.

Broken and beautiful.

Being human is messy.

We aren't all bad or all good.

We are both.

Resisting this truth actually keeps us stuck in perfectionism and judgment.

This blocks us from truly loving and accepting ourselves and others.

Love always feels better.

Compassion invites connection and belonging.

Is there someone in your life that you could view with more compassion?

Is that person you?

In what ways could you show that person more compassion?

More love?

More grace?

Give it a try!


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