Thoughtful Thursday & Expansion


This month in the Seasons of Joy Community I am talking about abundance.

Stephen Covey teaches about the difference between a scarcity mindset and an abundant mindset in his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

A scarcity mentality refers to people seeing life as a finite pie.

If one person takes a big piece then this leaves less for everyone else.

Many of us have been conditioned to have a scarcity mentality.

Believing that there isn't enough for everyone.

Resources, success, happiness, money, or promotions are limited.

Micromanaging, withholding information, and short-term thinking are common.

This mindset holds us back from reaching for our goals.

It prevents us from discovering opportunities and possibilities because we are so focused on what we lack.

This mindset is based on fear.

Fear of not being enough or that our life isn't enough.

An abundance mindset is the opposite of this.

It is expansive.

Believing that there is enough out there for everyone.

This week on the Seasons of Joy podcast I shared 8 strategies to help you create an abundant mindset.  

Here are the first four strategies:

  1. Stop Comparing. Stop comparing yourself or your results with others.  You are divinely unique.  There is only one amazing you.  We weren't all meant to be the same.  Embrace you!
  2. Expand your vision. Look to the future instead of the past to determine what you are capable of. 
  3. Shorten your lens.  Remember that what you want and need is not dependent on the things happening outside of you on a larger scale.  The happiness, peace, and joy you desire are created within you.
  4. It's not about you.  Pause.  Take a breathe. Don't take things personally. Our brains naturally want everything to be about us. That is normal but it really isn't about you.

If you are interested in the other four strategies, I invite you to listen to this week's episode, Season of Abundance.

What if there is more than enough for you?

What if everything is rigged in your favor and for your benefit?

What if this is true?

Not just in your favor or my favor but for everyone in the story?

I invite you to take action from a place of abundance.

Give it a try! 


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