Thoughtful Thursday & Becoming Through The Power of Grace


Hello, my friends!

It is one of my favorite times of year.   

Christians all over the world are preparing to celebrate Easter Sunday. 

For many of us, as part of the preparation, we reflect on the last week of the Savior's life. 

We reflect on his miracles. 

His life.

His example. 

His kindness. 

His mercy. 

His love.

And His grace. 

I love this word.


A freely-given favor.

I believe we are all looking for a little more grace in our lives.

Some are wanting to show a little more grace for themselves.

Others are seeking to give other people more grace.

And many are seeking the grace of God.

So many people believe they are not enough but the truth is we are all loved and seen for who we are right now and for who we can become.

He is always offering His grace to us.

It is available to each of us as we are right now.

And it is also available in those moments when we are reaching for something more.

We just have to look for it.

All along the way.

Every single day.

Enabling us. 

It doesn't matter where we are on our path of becoming.

This gift of grace is there.

When we combine His grace with our efforts and the influence of the Spirit, we can become who we were created to be.

And the beautiful part is, as we access His grace, we are better able to offer grace to ourselves and to others.

The better we get at receiving His grace, the better we get at being givers of grace.

Becoming more like Him. 

Are you ready for some more grace in your life?

Give it a try!


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