Thoughtful Thursday & Comparison


As humans, we have all felt jealous or inadequate at times.

We have compared ourselves to others without even realizing we are doing it or taking the time to question it.

When we do this, we are viewing the world from a place of scarcity.

All or nothing thinking.

Thinking that if someone else is good at something and you are not then you never will be.

Have you decided that all the talents, good looks and abilities in the world are limited resources and there isn't enough for you?

Or, is there something else that you would rather believe on purpose?

Could it be possible that you could be inspired by someone as an example of what's possible instead of evidence that you will never succeed?

It is impossible to be inspired when we are comparing.

I have heard it said, 

"Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle."


"We should not be comparing our behind the scenes footage to some else's highlight reel."

Emotions like jealousy, self-doubt, insecurity and inadequacy are always a choice.

Feelings like these will always invite you to give up.

But what if these emotions are there to help you see what you can overcome on your way to achieving your dreams?

Can you see the strength you are building by overcoming?

Changing our mindset takes practice.

The only person you should be comparing yourself to is YOU!

You need to honor your pace.

The fact that you are moving IS inspiring.

You need to honor your uniqueness.

There is no one in this world just like YOU.

Do you spend time thinking, dreaming and being the person you want to be?

Growth comes from a place of abundance. 

Comparison creates scarcity and stops our growth.

Why does someone else's winning cause you to feel a negative emotion?

Instead, do you believe in yourself?

I invite you to consider this statement.

"Today, I am willing to _____________________ and trust that ___________________________."

What is something that you could practice doing and trusting?

For me, 

I am willing to show up as a unique daughter of Heavenly Parents and trust that what I have to offer will be of worth to others.

Give it a try!


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