Thoughtful Thursday & I Don't Know


I would invite you to consider the phrase "I don't know."

Have you ever wanted to try something that you have never done before?

Have you ever had a decision to make and you were conflicted?

Have you had a difficult conversation coming up with someone in your life?

Have you wondered how to stay motivated in your weight loss journey?

Then that thought comes into your mind.

"I don't know."

It seems harmless.

But it is actually a very poisonous thought.

It stops your higher brain from thinking about that conversation.

That decision.

That solution.

Instead we eat a snack.

We stay busy cleaning.

We watch Netflix.

We scroll social media.

Our brains want to conserve energy and delegate as much as it can to the lower brain.

Using our lower brains allows us to just go through the motions without much thought or struggle.

"I don't know" also is used by our brain to protect us from rejection.

People may reject us and that is scary for our brain.

But here is the truth about "I don't know."

It is not a fact.

It is never true.

It is always a lie.

What if you just changed that thought.

"I don't know YET."

This three letter word keeps the brain working to figure things out.

Opening up to the possibilities.

You may want to consider journaling with some prompts such as the following:

* If I did know, I would say...."
* If I knew I would be successful, I would try..."
* I don't get hungry when I..."
* I secretly wish I could...."

These are just suggestions.  You may find one you like better. 

The idea is to allow yourself to write and to get your brain headed in the right direction.

Set the timer for 3-5 minutes.

Just write.

Don't judge or edit yourself.

You aren't committing to anything. 

You are just writing.

It will get easier with time.

By doing this exercise, you are telling your brain that you are willing to listen.

You can speak up and discover who you truly are.

You are developing an intimate relationship with yourself.

Showing yourself that it is safe to be genuine about you.

Give it a try!


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