Thoughtful Thursday & Discomfort is the Price of Growth

 In order to grow and improve we have to be willing to feel uncomfortable.

Growth stretches us and pushes beyond where we are now. 

It allows us to become.

Become more of the person we want to be.

The next best version of ourselves.

It has been said,

"Discomfort is the currency to our dreams."

As we become more open to experiencing discomfort, we have a greater chance of accomplishing our dreams and goals. 

It requires commitment.

Commitment to do and feel whatever is necessary.

It requires courage.

Courage feels terrible.

It's uncomfortable. 

But if the goal is worth reaching,

We are willing to feel uncomfortable.

This courage leads us to develop skills and increase our capability.

This creates confidence in our abilities.

Dan Sullivan calls these the 4 Cs.





Recently, I committed to a new weight loss journey.

I have been using a thought to help me manage the discomfort.

"I will either be uncomfortable now or later. Which one am I choosing now?"

When I choose to eat something that isn't on my protocol,

The discomfort is delayed.

But it eventually comes.

When I allow an urge to eat something unhealthy without acting on it,

The discomfort comes in the moment.

But it passes.

Either way there is discomfort.

Which one better serves me?

Am I willing to feel it now in order to reach my goal?

Could it be that the uncomfortable experience doesn't mean anything has gone wrong?

What if the discomfort in the moment is a sign that I am on the right track?

When we do the work that it takes to change our current way of thinking to our desired way of thinking, we allow for greater personal growth.

It's hard work.

But we can do hard things.


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