Thoughtful Thursday & Perspective
This week I was on an airplane and for about 10 minutes of the flight we had the opportunity to see the Grand Canyon from the air. . Breathtaking. . A few years ago, I had the opportunity to hike from the north rim to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. . It was an awesome experience but one of the hardest things I have done physically. . Especially the last 6 miles. . The trail going up the mountain was steep and switchbacked. . There were times I wondered if I was going to make it to the end. . As I was looking out the window of the plane remembering what it was like in the bottom of the canyon, it got me thinking about perspective. . You know that thing that you have been thinking and worrying about? . That problem you are facing. . That mountain that you are in the middle of climbing. . Imagine viewing that problem from another vantage point. . Does viewing it from a distance feel a little less overwhelming? . What about viewing it fro...